SerraHappy™ with Natural Delayed-Release Technology

Health Benefits of SerraHappy™ Serrapeptase 80,000IU:

  • Atherosclerosis (clogged artery)
  • Chronic Redness
  • Cysts & Fibroid Tumours
  • Cirrhosis & Hydrosalpinx
  • Helps with Traumatic Injuries
  • Pain, Edema, and Swelling
  • Helps with Cystic Breast Disease
  • Helps Infections in the Ear, Nose, and Throat
  • Joint Pain and Arthritis
  • Psoriasis, Bronchitis, Asthma
  • Period Pain, Headaches caused by Inflammation
  • Post Operative Scarring, Injuries, and Trauma

A very powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent. So any area of inflammation in the body is mollified without resorting to steroid or non-steroid drug use.

“Serrapeptase appears to be more anti-bacterial than anything. It currently has potential usage for both augmenting antibiotics as well as reducing phlegm viscosity.” – Kurtis Frank

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SerraHappy™ serrapeptase may also be used as a systemic enzyme blend to break down excess mucus, fibrin, various toxins, allergens, as well as excess clotting factors throughout your body. The capsule’s natural delayed release mechanism ensures it reaches the blood system where it does its work effectively.

The particular enzyme activity of Serrapeptase is unique. Dennis Gore had studied the reports of a German doctor, Dr. Hans Napier, who had positive results with clearing blocked arteries and preventing the need for by-pass operations. In other words, it is effective and safe as an arterial chelation agent. Dr. Napier treated a woman with Serrapeptase who was scheduled to have her hand amputated. She recovered without the amputation.

Other Health Benefits Include: therapeutic use for nerve damage, Multiple Sclerosis, chronic ear infections, hay fever, lung congestion, swollen glands, laryngitis, rhinitis, chronic pain, arthritis, back and neck pain, diabetes, ulcers, osteoporosis, prostate problems, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries (both prevention and recovery), post-operative scars and lesions, varicose veins, arterial diseases, angina, blood clots, anti-aging.

Copyright © 2017 - SerraHappy™ - a NeatResearch Laboratories company. All rights reserved. Buy Serrapeptase UK | Serrapeptase 80,000IU | Serrapeptase Information

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