Nagging headaches or migraine are terminated at the source of inflammation!
Blocked arteries, also known as Atherosclerosis, are taken care of by dissolving the arterial plaque in the arteries thereby terminating the source of inflammation and potential stroke.
Joint Pain!
SerraHappy’s serrapeptase mollifies the source of inflammation that causes the joint pain and you get the relief.
SerraHappy™ with Natural Delayed-Release Technology is also for Men!
Health Benefits of SerraHappy™ Serrapeptase 80,000IU:
- Atherosclerosis (clogged artery)
- Chronic Redness
- Cysts & Fibroid Tumours
- Cirrhosis & Hydrosalpinx
- Helps with Traumatic Injuries
- Pain, Edema, and Swelling
- Helps with Cystic Breast Disease
- Helps Infections in the Ear, Nose, and Throat
- Joint Pain and Arthritis
- Psoriasis, Bronchitis, Asthma
- Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or pseudogout
- Post Operative Scarring, Injuries, and Trauma
A very powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent. So any area of inflammation in the body is mollified without resorting to steroid or non-steroid drug use
“Serrapeptase appears to be more anti-bacterial than anything. It currently has potential usage for both augmenting antibiotics as well as reducing phlegm viscosity.” – Kurtis Frank
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